Imagine this:
You are locked into the fight for your life, and you’re giving it all of your effort.
You’re punching, kicking, scratching, hair-pulling, and doing everything within your power to win this fight. And after years and years of battling with every shred of energy you have, you finally reach the day when you win.
But here’s the bad news that no one is willing to tell you:
You didn’t really win.
That’s because you were fighting for your excuses instead of fighting for your best life.
Worst of all, as a result of winning this fight, you’ve now lost any shot that you’ve ever had at living the life that you are hoping for.
Sad, isn’t it?
Unfortunately, in the not-so-distant past, I was that guy fighting the wrong fight, and I can safely say that it is a miserable way to go through life–that’s why I’m writing this.
If you’re in that place now, it’s time to hang up the boxing gloves and start fighting the right fight.
You are so much stronger than your excuses.